Faculty of Physics and Engineering / UFR Physique et Ingénierie
The Department of Physics and Engineering covers a broad range of subjects, from elementary particles to its applications in the mechanical and electronic sector, to condensed matter or engineering sciences. In addition to Bachelor's and Master’s degrees, the Department offers the EX² (EXcellence by Experiment) programme, a set of experimental teaching based on the unique know-how of major laboratories in Strasbourg and across Europe.

Doctoral College of Physics and Chemistry-Physics (ED182) / École doctorale Physique et chimie-physique
The Physics and Chemistry-Physics Doctoral School aims to provide training through research in the fields of interest of its 7 laboratories. The spectrum of research themes is wide, ranging from subatomic physics to astrophysics, including condensed matter physics with its ramifications in nanosciences, functional materials and mesoscopic physics.

Faculty of Chemistry / Faculté de Chimie
Located in the heart of the Upper Rhine area, which was the birthplace of one of the main industrial chemistry centres in the world, the Faculty of Chemistry is an academic centre for excellence. Along with the Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences, the Faculty an internationally recognised research centre . Teaching is based on a solid tradition and fostered by the development of many active laboratories. The Faculty offers undergraduate and graduate courses on various subjects.

European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM) / École européenne d’ingénieurs de chimie, polymères et matériaux (ECPM) / École européenne d’ingénieurs de chimie, polymères et matériaux (ECPM)
The ECPM trains trilingual chemical engineers wishing to pursue a carreer in the chemical industry and in the sector of research and development. It provides them with a solid scientific and technological culture in the broad fields of emerging materials, health, environment, sustainable development and energy and gives them the required skills to work in and intercultural and international context.

Telecom Physique Strasbourg (TPS)
Telecom Physique Strasbourg issues four engineering degrees, two of which are vocational, and a master’s degree. These courses aim to train versatile and highly qualified experts in research and in ICT development. Teachings mainly focus on microelectronics and nanosciences, photonics, networks, image processing, automation and medical robotics, and healthcare engineering.